Saturday, April 25, 2009

Juvenile Devil

This is interesting!! I guess sometime Indian judiciary system goes far to save criminals. yes criminals. In a country of one billion people, common Indian lives have no value or at least less than a terrorist from Pakistan. Old Indian saying - Guest is God!!

Well, what if this guest comes with Machine guns and kill innocent people without any self protection? Gandhi's idealism of getting slap on both chick does not work here, since you can die only once (I am sure these devils will waste bullets on even dying human too). If Muslims allow to follow Sharia matrimonial laws, which include marriages at younger age than 18 years (In India, marriage laws are meant only for Hindus and registered marriages), they should not be considered as juvenile. And setting age on the basis of wisdom tooth sounds even more ridiculous- my 2 years younger sister got wisdom teeth before than I did.

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