Friday, May 15, 2009

Can slumdogs ever be made to stay in homes??

From last three days Sara Sidner, CNN's reporter from India, is showing the reports of slums demolition in Mumbai. Her stars of these news are our beloved slumdogs of Slumdog Millionaire. Why these child artists are still living in slums if their movies earned 386 million USD and won 8 Oscars? Why should Indian Government be held responsible and suppose to provide these people free land? They should ask money from Danny Boyle, producer and director of movie. I can not understand why the international media drag Indian Government especially if the slumdogs are from Indian minorities. Is this also fault of Indian Government that one of child actor's father try to sell her to a Saudi family.

And talking about the situations of minorities in USA. Since the access of easy money in USA was less last year, many Hispanic huntings took place same time. These hardworking people are being made to live in old pipes since they cannot rent apartments without photo IDs and SSN. Recently a report showed that many Hispanic women are sexually abused because of their visa status and lack of English knowledge. African American minority in US has higher percent of HIV incidents than people in African countries. Their houses in DC and Baltimore tell their stories. Many are passing lives on benches in public parks.

Sarah Sidner on behalf of CNN should recommend US Governments to open some slums in US major cities too.

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