Friday, April 10, 2009

Indian money in UBS

It is not about the money politicians have in UBS, but day to day corruption and ill treatment Indian citizens are facing in their homeland and other countries in the hands of Indian government officers(Indian embassies are mess).

Fourth generation of single family is ready to rule on India - Is that the democracy?? Second generation of Bush turned the decades of American success to disaster, what can we expect from the Nehru-Gandhi legacy. Their 'reservation on PM chair' will sustain till other 'jokers' will keep filling their accounts. I am still not able to understand how much money 70-80 years old men need who represent us worldwide. Why don't we get politicians with degrees from IITs and IIMs? This is the time when well educated and young people of country should take the lead, since our politicians, courts, police and election commission are failed. People should vote only for the candidates who have graduate degrees (from recognized universities), two or less than two kids and no criminal records. Won't it be great if we apply Pakistani model, but instead of keeping the army as a substitute of elected government, distinguished faculties of IITs and IIMs should replace the inefficient parliament?

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