Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What went wrong?? Obama's Budget

It seems that none is happy from stimulus plan. Regardless of the fact that everyone wrote it. Obama spent significant time in making the consensus among both parties and establishing bipartisanship in Capitol Hill. But appears, people there, don't get it. Most of the representatives showed their creativity and adds their point of views or pork for others in this joint effort. Now everyone is blaming other side. Will these people ever stop autopsy process and move forward??

Republicans do not get the environmental concerns. They think that God will clean the environment with magic wand and soldiers will keep fighting forever. They do not like spending money on Arts. The fact is that there are more American students graduating in Arts, every year, than any other discipline. So do they want - all of them to sit at home?? They do not like spending money on sex education. If Sarah Palin, regardless being a conservative, can not convince her daughter for abstinence in Alaska, how can common people run behind their kids all the time in cities like in NYC or LA??

This recession is caused by the negligence of both Democrats and Republicans. So stop criticizing and work because people are paying for you too as they paid recently for AIG and other Wall Street giants.

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