Monday, March 16, 2009

A correspondence with Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Hi Diana

Thanks for your encouraging words.

It is sad that US is going away from globalization after starting it. Or probably there was no globalization but USization- where Mexicans will clean USA, Chinese will produce goods by risking their environment and health, India will work as support center. After earning in dimes, these people will spend money at McDonalds and Subway (luxurious food chains in these countries).

Recently, a Republican congressman from Iowa told Microsoft to fire H1, not the citizens. In Stimulus bill, finance companies which receive TARP money are told not to hire H1. H1 itself has basis in exploitation since employee is dependent on employer for each and every steps. Companies have to spend extra money for hiring internationals, so they, especially the small businesses, are reluctant to hire an international. Only big corporations are willing and can offer equal wages as a citizen will get.

I know many people who took loans of some thousand dollars and came to study here. If their road of getting job is blocked, it will be an emotional and financial disaster for them. And system not only needs Albert Einstein but also a janitor (unless citizens start taking responsibility). If a person, regardless of citizenship, is fired from his or her job more than two or three times and no mergers or major business operation shifts were going on, it implies he or she needs improvement or change in direction.

Most shameful part is – who started this mess? People who runs Wall Street (no immigrant can reach there easily). People who buys homes beyond their afford limit (no immigrant will even think of it). Being so insecure of future here, now no immigrant will buy an American dream home- even if he or she can afford it.

I hope that US politicians and public will understand it, because globalization is an irreversible process. Only Federal can pay 100$ per hour for the job which can be done elsewhere in the world for 20$ per
hour, not a private business or corporate.

Once again thanks for writing for us, since like DC we are here with ‘taxation without representation’.

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