Sunday, March 1, 2009

Immigrants' pain

Recently, immigrants are being targeted by the people and politicians. Republicans are telling the companies to fire first H1 holders than citizens. I don't want any mercy for a low performer, but loosing job is a complete devastation for H1 holders. And here it is not about the contactors, but full time employees. They have to leave the country within the severance period of their lost job or else get new job (In this market- who is hiring?). They don't recieve any social security benefit, even though they are paying for it. Many of our friends have to sell their houses and go back in this bad economy for the similar reasons.

Going back to India is an option, but the political scenario in that country is still as creepy as it was years ago (Actually that's the same group of octogenarian people, who are still saving money in UBS accounts for their future). Aren’t one billion people for that tiny country too much? But there is no firm policy to control population because discussing population itself is a taboo for some religions groups. US citizens will tell us to go back and improve the situation over there, but I am convinced, I can't do it in my lifetime.

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