Sunday, March 29, 2009

Election in India: What if Sonia is next PM? 'Vatican Rule'

What if a Vatican ‘Sonia Gandhi’ will win Indian election and start ruling on India? She will stop the selling of condoms, stem cell research and start teaching kids about Adam and Eves (creationism), similar to what Bush was trying in US.

Friday, March 27, 2009

AfPak: Pakistan Bailout

Once again, US tax money is devoted to Afpak plan. Same politicians, who were fighting over some millions for the art projects and job shifts to China and India, readily passed the bill of contributing $1.5 billion for Pakistan’s imaginary welfare. Obviously, US can't support each and every Pakistani for ever, ideally US should provide them jobs, and if that's the policy I would be much more happy on this plan. Anything that can keep Pakistanis far from terrorism and hatred feelings towards Indians particularly Hindus and Jews is good for whole world. My question is here- how much welfare has been done till now in Pakistan using American dollars- nukes, missiles, missiles defense and numerous militant organizations. Thanks to the ‘so called developed’ countries, South East Asia has become a nuke battle ground, ready to explode anytime. It is easy to sign up numerous defense deal and get the same money back in your economy, after debting it to charities. But, it is very hard to divert the direction- push it into targetted economy. Among the newly (in comparison to US)independent and diverse countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, India etc., political corruption and British strategy of ‘rule and divide’ is the norm. If US is contributing $1.5 billion, probably only development work of worth $1 million will be done and rest will feed middle men. How these middle men will handle the money? They will add it to their accounts in UBS, buy palaces in European and American big cities, move their family members and will give tithe to their mosques or religious organizations(The way Parvez Musharaf is spending his reward these days to stay outside of Pakistan). So probably all will get some part of it – US and EU, terrorist groups and Pakistani politicians. Pakistan chose its own density- to beg and feed itself. This lack of self esteem reflects when the government signed up deal with Taliban in Swat Valley.

On the other hand, India who got freedom at the same time and regardless of all the diversity of religions and races (if Max Muller was right) has achieved a lot for uplifting the weeks and poors (though have not distributed homes using others lifelong savings). The international religious hypocrisy and neighboring countries's ill will always created and still creates trouble in country’s growth, but people of India are continuously struggling in controlling the population and raising literacy percentages without licking the shoes of other countries' politicians. Indian government literally stopped hiring people of upper and middle castes, pushing them to be‘Educated generation of Indian vagrants’. And this Indian generation is helping the entire world to be technically advanced. You name the countries and you will get Indian people- Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, EU, Canada and many more. I guess rest of the world is trying to expand through wars, religions and businesses; Indian civilization is spreading through people. People who believes in Vasudhev kutumbkam (Whole world is family) and the only thing they want is right to live in harmony and peace with other humans, plants and animals.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Passion to thrive

A kid in an immigration rally speaks about the problem of his school. The school is firing teachers because of budget cuts during this recession. The passion of this kid for good education can proove all those citizens wrong who thinks that illegal workers and their kids are burden on the system.

In the morning, I was listening Kane's show on Hot 99.5(a talk show, where people ask him to call their loved ones for spying) and he was telling about how he helped a mother to track down her daughter's wild spring break, full of booze and boys. Kane recieved hate mails from listeners and fans for this spying act since, according to the listeners, it will spoil the relation between mother and daughter. These people have no problem when Kane do this in marital relationship. Similarly there are citizens who complained about the food stamps of $176 per month and donot stop on processed foods.

I am tired of listening people that immigrants will reduce the standards of American competitiveness. My question is who is here more competitive- a kid willing to go to school and stand against all the hurdles on his way, or a spoil brat for whom her color, language and country of birth may most likely reserve success, if defined only in terms of money. For whom this infrastructure should be used in ideal world- for a kid of an immigrant mother who wants to study or always complaining and going 'hi' citizen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

War of Numbers

Originally got this here:

Confirming it on:

In the war of Islam and Christian's statistics, governments of poor nations are paying and native people are suffering.... It is not quantity but quality matters.. What is the use of such religion which can't educate young kids??? Was Bristol Palin, a single teenage mom not enough to stop Pope. And most populous contry India's newspaper is publishing on the front page. It's sad... and later the westerns will make 'slumdog millionaire'. India needs to adopt Chinese policy of one kid and impose it strictly.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A correspondence with Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Hi Diana

Thanks for your encouraging words.

It is sad that US is going away from globalization after starting it. Or probably there was no globalization but USization- where Mexicans will clean USA, Chinese will produce goods by risking their environment and health, India will work as support center. After earning in dimes, these people will spend money at McDonalds and Subway (luxurious food chains in these countries).

Recently, a Republican congressman from Iowa told Microsoft to fire H1, not the citizens. In Stimulus bill, finance companies which receive TARP money are told not to hire H1. H1 itself has basis in exploitation since employee is dependent on employer for each and every steps. Companies have to spend extra money for hiring internationals, so they, especially the small businesses, are reluctant to hire an international. Only big corporations are willing and can offer equal wages as a citizen will get.

I know many people who took loans of some thousand dollars and came to study here. If their road of getting job is blocked, it will be an emotional and financial disaster for them. And system not only needs Albert Einstein but also a janitor (unless citizens start taking responsibility). If a person, regardless of citizenship, is fired from his or her job more than two or three times and no mergers or major business operation shifts were going on, it implies he or she needs improvement or change in direction.

Most shameful part is – who started this mess? People who runs Wall Street (no immigrant can reach there easily). People who buys homes beyond their afford limit (no immigrant will even think of it). Being so insecure of future here, now no immigrant will buy an American dream home- even if he or she can afford it.

I hope that US politicians and public will understand it, because globalization is an irreversible process. Only Federal can pay 100$ per hour for the job which can be done elsewhere in the world for 20$ per
hour, not a private business or corporate.

Once again thanks for writing for us, since like DC we are here with ‘taxation without representation’.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Best statement

The world is a dangerous place, not because of the people who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
Albert Einstein, born on Pi day (03/14)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Broken Legal Immigration

I guess US needs more people from Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and other radical countries. Green cards are distributed to these peoples like hot cakes. US don't need Indians and Chinese anymore, And on the other side….Skilled people are also getting more opportunities back home and in other countries. So it is the time to even out. Living in Canada, with no threats of H1 expiration and unnecessary taxes, is far better than in US, and especially with US degrees. H1 holders are feeding your social securities and medical plans and they have to leave this country immediately after loosing jobs. It is so stupid that the most brilliant people with Masters and PhDs are stopped to participate in any country's growth and political system. Since they are no longer residents of their countries of birth and are waiting 20 years to be US citizens. What to do- be a slave of IT companies or Wall street. A few of us goes to earn million dollars since it is not the money but good and safe living what brought us here. Our priority includes bringing up our kids in safe, comfortable and full of love environment, not to roam alone in a million dollar home. You will get more of European and Middle Eastern people as billionaires.

Every year my country of birth gives citizenship to millions of people from Bangladesh and Tibet, entered illegally and regardless of the country's population of 1 billion. They are allowed to do whatever they want - follow Sharia rules, have multiple wives, lots of kids, follow their religions and be part of next generation of 'Slumdogs'. I guess now Indian government should sign a deal with Virgin Airlines and pick them from the borders to bring to US- so that they can get their Greencards. Do you even recognize Tibet as a country?? Probably not, since modern US is now 'Made in China' and bought houses on the savings of hardworking people all around the world.

People link immigration with Carbon Emission.It is not the each and every country's individual emission at the day end what counts. And most of the educated people have only 1 or 2 kids and we make sure that our kids will get higher education to influence thousands of other lives. Surely an American has larger carbon Footprint than an African. But at the day end counts also matter and your companies are selling same life style, you have here. Every year 1000s of shopping malls are opening in India and still growth is lower than China's. Stop funding the churches and mosques, which are working in Asia and Africa to raise their 'religious statistics' through propaganda against family control. Better use this money to provide adequate facilities to single and young moms and their kids here. Also stop funding terrorism and nuclear bombs in Asia and Africa, better save this money to pay unemployment benefits when all the jobs will be outsourced or to gift homes to reckless parents of 14 kids.

Some are talking about the Indian contractors and H1 exploitation. Who run these companies?? Probably some brown and white Americans, to open a business it requires Green card. So no H1 is running these companies. And for sure, these companies have some projects or sources of income. It might be possible that these companies are working on the contracts of Federal or other states' agencies. They can easily work under the big consulting firms who have strong lobby base in government and can easily get the projects. After all the overhead and salaries of top officials obviously these H1 are compeled to work on half the money, an American counterpart will get. First Americans designed the schemes to exploit immigrants and later accused them for 'being exploited'. These H1 are opening the path of growth in the most backward states, still struggling to rise above their images of KKK and racial crimes. H1 has its base in the exploitation of people whether they are educated here or coming directly from India or China.

People are unnecessary crying for the lowering wages. Hello!! writing a webpage in HTML, any high school student can do. And above all, most of the people who are fired in the initial rounds, are usually the ones who stopped growing. Companies can't keep paying on the basis of what you did some years ago, they put the money in 401K then for you to use now. Being fired from jobs with similar skills again and again unless there are no big mergers or outsourcing going on, itself shows that there needs some serious improvement or change in the direction. Some are telling that people are coming on fake resumes etc. CIA works in all the possible countries and has news of every terrorist attacks beforehand, can't they get Department of Homeland Security a list of recognized universities worldwide. Rather this is an opportunity to standardize the universities and education system worldwide.

Thanks to US for setting up the quality work ethics and letting us to learn it through your best education system. Now we will bring whole world equal to yours.
Another great news- now your campuses are going global. Many universities are opening campuses in Middle Eastern countries and other Asian countries, though I am not a fan of living in Islamic countries.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What went wrong?? Obama's Budget

It seems that none is happy from stimulus plan. Regardless of the fact that everyone wrote it. Obama spent significant time in making the consensus among both parties and establishing bipartisanship in Capitol Hill. But appears, people there, don't get it. Most of the representatives showed their creativity and adds their point of views or pork for others in this joint effort. Now everyone is blaming other side. Will these people ever stop autopsy process and move forward??

Republicans do not get the environmental concerns. They think that God will clean the environment with magic wand and soldiers will keep fighting forever. They do not like spending money on Arts. The fact is that there are more American students graduating in Arts, every year, than any other discipline. So do they want - all of them to sit at home?? They do not like spending money on sex education. If Sarah Palin, regardless being a conservative, can not convince her daughter for abstinence in Alaska, how can common people run behind their kids all the time in cities like in NYC or LA??

This recession is caused by the negligence of both Democrats and Republicans. So stop criticizing and work because people are paying for you too as they paid recently for AIG and other Wall Street giants.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slow Economy and Immigration Reforms

US is inviting people from radical countries like Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and giving citizenships as compensation for the ongoing wars and struggle. In this country 2-3 million people are getting citizenship every year just by marrying US citizens, I am sure a big ponzy scheme is working here too. On the other hand, for all the countries H1 cap of skilled labor is fixed to 65000. H1 has been causing the exploitation of legal immigrants by both employers and government.

Worst is in stimulus plan, government has compelled companies recieving TARP money, for not hiring H1 visa people. Probably a beginning of US socialism, but even if all the kids are forced to study science and mathematics today regardless of their natural inclination,it will take 10-20 years for a generation of Engineers or Doctors to prepare.

Current problem is a wave in US economy creates tsunami in other economies, so this recession has reduced the opportunities worldwide for the skilled labor. Also, this is the high time for US to offer innovation and technology as its main business not the scams and frauds to make fool of people all around the world, so US needs educated people.

Immigrants' pain

Recently, immigrants are being targeted by the people and politicians. Republicans are telling the companies to fire first H1 holders than citizens. I don't want any mercy for a low performer, but loosing job is a complete devastation for H1 holders. And here it is not about the contactors, but full time employees. They have to leave the country within the severance period of their lost job or else get new job (In this market- who is hiring?). They don't recieve any social security benefit, even though they are paying for it. Many of our friends have to sell their houses and go back in this bad economy for the similar reasons.

Going back to India is an option, but the political scenario in that country is still as creepy as it was years ago (Actually that's the same group of octogenarian people, who are still saving money in UBS accounts for their future). Aren’t one billion people for that tiny country too much? But there is no firm policy to control population because discussing population itself is a taboo for some religions groups. US citizens will tell us to go back and improve the situation over there, but I am convinced, I can't do it in my lifetime.