Saturday, April 25, 2009

Juvenile Devil

This is interesting!! I guess sometime Indian judiciary system goes far to save criminals. yes criminals. In a country of one billion people, common Indian lives have no value or at least less than a terrorist from Pakistan. Old Indian saying - Guest is God!!

Well, what if this guest comes with Machine guns and kill innocent people without any self protection? Gandhi's idealism of getting slap on both chick does not work here, since you can die only once (I am sure these devils will waste bullets on even dying human too). If Muslims allow to follow Sharia matrimonial laws, which include marriages at younger age than 18 years (In India, marriage laws are meant only for Hindus and registered marriages), they should not be considered as juvenile. And setting age on the basis of wisdom tooth sounds even more ridiculous- my 2 years younger sister got wisdom teeth before than I did.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Indian money in UBS

It is not about the money politicians have in UBS, but day to day corruption and ill treatment Indian citizens are facing in their homeland and other countries in the hands of Indian government officers(Indian embassies are mess).

Fourth generation of single family is ready to rule on India - Is that the democracy?? Second generation of Bush turned the decades of American success to disaster, what can we expect from the Nehru-Gandhi legacy. Their 'reservation on PM chair' will sustain till other 'jokers' will keep filling their accounts. I am still not able to understand how much money 70-80 years old men need who represent us worldwide. Why don't we get politicians with degrees from IITs and IIMs? This is the time when well educated and young people of country should take the lead, since our politicians, courts, police and election commission are failed. People should vote only for the candidates who have graduate degrees (from recognized universities), two or less than two kids and no criminal records. Won't it be great if we apply Pakistani model, but instead of keeping the army as a substitute of elected government, distinguished faculties of IITs and IIMs should replace the inefficient parliament?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cuba and US Peace Process

So GOP is telling us that we should don’t talk or do business with Cuba because of human rights violation in that country. But we have been buying oil from Middle Eastern Asian countries and making them super rich for years. So marrying 8 years old and punishing a rape victim and 75 years old is not a violation of human rights for GOP. Not to mention, American colony of Asia, called Pakistan, openly signs the deal with Taliban and let them prosecute people and attack neighboring countries. How we are showing our opposition? Giving them a gift of 7 billion dollars through bipartisan support. And what about China, the number one human right violating country. Since they know ‘own’ America and provide each and every possible products to satisfy mammoth American consumers so we have no option.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Do US kids not need fathers?

Probably fathers are replaceable here with some Chinese products.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Religious Conversion: Shame to Human Society

The religious minorities in the world always struggle to maintain their original status gracefully. Especial targets of conversion games are the kids of immigrants, who are pushed so far that they start hating everything belong to their alternative identities, uncommon to their peers- different names, dresses, spices, foods and name of Gods. I am writing this to reflect my opinion on a murder case- a second generation Indian girl Ria Ramkisson, who is neo-converted to Christianity killed her son to abide her church minister. Another confusing and converted man who really irritates every Indian is Bobby Jindal. He does not believe in global warming but believes in Adam and Eve story (If god created especially Bobby's ancestors, why can't he create global warming to teach Bobby some lessons).

Churches' bipolarity can be seen in Western culture where 40% kids are born to unwed and teenage mothers. These people depict India as the place of child marriages, Sati and casteism. I can't understand how kids in schools of western world having sex are different than child marriages in Indian subcontinent. Sati has been abolished in India many years ago, but still used to describe the trait of Hindus. But have these churches ever tried to understand the psychology behind it. Widows of warriors and elites were being raped and kept as slaves by the Middle Eastern primitive creatures who still see women as sex machine. Was not sleeping with the killers of your husband worse than death? Probably not in the western world. And situation was drastically improved in British rule itself, since they were more color conscious than exploiting a woman. After the death of her husband,Rani Lakshmi Bai, fought with East India Company for Jhansi and she and her adopted son were killed by the brutal British army. Casteism - Still after 200 years of freedom in US, a black president is continuously under the threat of white supermacy groups. How much suppressed Hispanic and African American groups in US are, can be only seen once you are here. They are very good in hiding the poors in shelters, bought using whole world's money. And I am still waiting for a non-white Pope and queen of UK to say a really equal world. How is the Western or Middle Eastern king and queen system different from what Brahmins were teaching - the class pass through birth? reality is by pushing young kids to the places for what they are not meant for make them dual for rest of their lives. Proving himself or herself a Brahmin without heart into the studies or strict daily routine, is also a punishment, as being Shudra.

I oppose all of the social evils - but don't call them as Hindus traits, they are the dark side of human nature- full of greed and lust. It appears even most of Hindus do not know what Hinduism stands for and not able to teach their kids about the true 'Sanatna Dharma'. Also, first generation of immigrants suffer tough economic conditions and are not able to spend enough time with their kids. Unlike Muslim, Hindus are more open and let their kids mingle with others and learn new culture, but the situation should not be exploited by churches. If we includes Veda, Gita, Ramayana, Upnishads; we can also include Bible and Kuran? We can and that is the most unique features of Hindu religion. Instead of fighting like dogs (as is the case with Shias and Sunis) or making dozens of churches (Mormons, Protestants, Catholics, Evangelic and so on) on the same road, we put all the idols under same roof and let the people meet and greet under same roof. Learn to appreciate, only then you can recognize how unique and great you are. But obviously, the recognition of truth is not so obvious.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Various forms of Islam

It appears that Islam has got all the possible ways to exploit wome. Wahabbism (Sunni Muslims of UAE)allow ahipping 75 years old lady, rape victim and marrying a 8 years old girl to 47 years old men. Taliban's inspirational plan is to burn girls' school.