Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama's Gitmo Policy

In long term, definitely Obama's policy of closing Guantanamo is great. But in current scenario, the prisoners with no proven guilty will be returned back to their countries of origin. Proving guilty is a tough task when it involves different nations. Especially Middle East and South Asian countries are highly dense populated and lack proper record keeping system. These countries have inflow of legal and illegal seasonal workers from neighboring countries. Some governments bear the international pressure but save home grown terrorists. The evicted prisoners will tell their stories of torture in these nations and local languages. This will further enhance the feeling of anti-west among fanatic and illiterate people.

Also, it is hard to convince religious fanatics through talks. Islamic terrorists are convinced that what they are doing is pious and according to the teachings of Quran. I am also not clear how to handle such people. Last year, in Texas hundreds of women and kids were taken out of FLDS church. Recently on CNN news, it was shown that all of them rejoin the family at same compound.

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