Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gotcha Journalism,8599,1862650,00.html
This is in response of the article "Behind the crisis for India's Muslims" by Aryn Baker in TIME. The author has pointed out that the terror attacks in India are the response of ill treatment done in India against Muslims. First of all, surprisingly author's time scale starts from 1857, for a country like India. Reviving history, Mahmud of Ghazni, who looted the Indian subcontinent thirteen times around 1000 AD, was the one who brought Islam in India. The glory of wealth in India allured many more expeditions throughout the history. When Columbus was looking for India and discovered chance, Babur was establishing Mogul empire in India. Among Mogul kings, Akbar was the most famous and successful one. He brought whole country under one umbrella with his openness. On the other hand, his great grandson Aurangazeb was a failure who brutally imposed the Muslim religion. British followed the strategy of 'Divide and Rule' while ruling on India and widened the gaps between Hindus and Muslims. Regardless of all this, Indian freedom fighters were not limited to one community. Two nations theory, creation of Pakistan, was the brain child of only some ambitious Muslims leaders who wanted to rule at any cost. Many Muslims willingly choose to stay in India, and even currently, India has more Muslims than Pakistan. On the other hand, even a few Hindus who chose Pakistan were killed or fled to India. Genocides of Kashmiri Hindus throughout 80s, can be compared to the pain of Jews in Germany under the rule of Hitler but dramatically ignored by media. Secondly, is she trying to justify the killing of innocent people worldwide? India has long history of working with religious minorities. India's most of rich people are Sikhs, Parsis and Jains, some other minorities in India. Ratan Tata, an icon of India's progress is a Parsi. Dalai Lama with his follower Tibetans, displaced Budhists from Tibet occupied by China now, live in India peacefully. Even Muslim such as Sania Mirza brought grace to India though Fatwas were issued against her too for wearing skirts while playing Tennis. It does not take hundreds of years for minorities to represent themselves in free India. India's current Prime minister is a Sikh and last President was a Muslim. And in the modern time, which society or religion is perfect and clear? President elect Obama was under the threat of assaults, because of different skin color than majority. India's last 60 years of freedom and democracy has been far better than any other country in the world. Considering the author's arguments, many countries (Japan, Vietnam and Iraq) should never stop fighting against U.S. after being used as showcase of American mass destruction weapons. There are definite problems when the parents do not let their daughters and sons to go to school since they believe that women have no right of education and sons should be taught only one book, written hundreds of years ago. All the Americans, who died in Mumbai terror attacks, were in India to learn about spirituality. If Hindus, 87 % of Indian population, are fundamentalists, why do the Christians and Jews travel to learn about the religions? The author has insulted all the people who lost their lives in this henious act, regadless of their religions and nationalities. The author needs to go beyond her geographical limitation though it is getting tougher day by day to travel with U.S. passport. I am afraid that her skewed arguments can rage the feelings of Muslims without any clue about the greatness of India, so it hurts both sides. Publications of journalists, who try to obtain minutes of fame by misrepresenting the facts, must be banished from the national publications. I ask for a public apology from the author to all Indians.

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